दक्षिणकाली गा.वि.स. वडा नं. ५ स्थित गोपालवंशको समयमा वंशावली तथा पूराण अनुसार गोपालेश्वर मन्दिर स्थापना भएको हो । प्रत्यक आश्विन द्वादशिका दिन दक्षिणकाली, गोपालेश्वर, शिखनारायण, बज्रयोगिनीको रथ यात्रा गर्ने परम्परा छ । जात्रा पश्चात गोरखनाथको चक्र पूजा गर्ने चलन पनि छ । गोपालेश्वर र दक्षिणकालीको अन्तरसम्बन्ध रहेको कथन अनुसार गोपालेश्वर महादेव स्वयम्भु रुपको पहाड जस्तै विद्यमान छ । बौद्ध धर्मावलम्बीहरु पनि अष्ट वितरण मध्यका एउटा मानेर गोपालेश्वरको आदर गर्दछन् । त्यसैले गोपालेश्वर हिन्दु तथा बौद्ध दुबै धर्मावलम्बीहरुका लागि आराध्यदेव हुन् । भगवान श्री कृष्णले पनि आफ्नो छोरा प्रद्यम्नको ब्रतबन्ध यहाँ गरेको हो भन्ने वंशावली पुराणमा पाईन्छ ।
According to vamsavali and purans, the temple of Gopaleshwar was established in Dakshinkali VDC Ward No. 5. during the period of Gopalbansha (one of the foremost ruling dynasties of Nepal). On every Ashwin Dwadasi, a rath yatra of Dakshinkali, Gopaleshwor. Shikharanarayan and Bajrayogini is organised. After the conclusion of this yatra, there is a tradition to worship the Chakra of Gorakhnath. It is believed that there exists and inter-relationship between Gopaleshwor. Mahadev and Dakshinkali and that Gopaleshwor Mahadev came into existence in the form of a hill similar to Swayambhu. The idol is also honoured by the Buddhists as one of the Asta Bitarangi. Thus it is honoured by Hindus and Buddhists a like. According to the purans Lord Krishna had performed the sacred thread ceremony of his son Pradhumna here.