शिखरनारायणलाई शेषनारायण वा शिखनारायण भनिन्छ । यो नारायण काठमाडौं उपत्यकाको चार नारायण मध्ये एक हो । चून ढुङ्गा पहाडको शिखरमा रहेकोले शेषनागको आकृतिमय भै स्वयम् उत्पत्ति भएको गाईको चारथुन र नागको फंण आकार हुँदा विभिन्न नामले चर्चित नारायणको मन्दिर मण्डप शैलिमा बनेको छ । वंशावलीमा कृष्णका पूत्र प्रधुम्नले स्थापना गरेको ढुङ्गाको चतुर्भुजनारायणको मुर्ति हाल सम्म यसै क्षेत्रमा विद्यमान छ ।
Shikharnarayan is also known as Sheshnarayan or Shikharnarayan. This Narayan is one of the four prominent narayans in the Kathmandu valley. The Narayan temple has been built on a limestone hills in mandap form. The site is famous because of the figure of sheshnag’s hood and the four nipples of a cow’s breast that is believed to have self-originated. According to the vamshawali, Pradhumna, the son of Lord Krishna established the stone idol of the four – armed Narayan, which is still in existence in the area.